The mortgage market in Dubai is now well-established, with local and foreign lenders providing the best mortgage loan in Dubai. The CTB Finances loan brokers provide you with a set of qualified, experienced mortgage guidance that assists you to save half of your efforts. Being one of the best loan brokers in Dubai, we take pride in getting in touch with the best lenders, certain of which you may not be aware of. We also assist you to avoid difficult payment terms from many lenders hidden in their mortgage agreements.

CTB Finances loan brokers give the best and most suitable mortgage loan help in Dubai. Our professionals are experienced and they bridge the gap between the businessman and the potential financier. Being a professional firm, we have created rapport with a huge network of financiers and bankers. Our professionals are also aware of new loan promotions and products. They have up-to-date and useful information regarding mortgage loan programs and as of this network and exposure, we can give clients loans in Dubai and advice on the right course of action. We are here to help business people to provide the best possible assistance in getting a mortgage loan in Dubai.

A mortgage is referred to as a Mortgage loan in many parts of the world including Dubai. A mortgage makes your dream come true of buying a property without having all the cash upfront. To put it simply, it is a kind of loan from a bank or financial institution that people (borrowers) use to purchase a dream house. For the security of the loan, the bank or financial company uses the home itself as collateral.


Fixed-rate Mortgage

The rate of interest is specified before the loan term’s onset in a fixed-rate mortgage. Plus, this rate does not alter during the previously agreed duration, which usually is less than 5 years. Although, you can be lucky enough to locate a lender giving a complete loan pay-off duration at a fixed rate.

There are different kinds of mortgage loans available in this emirate that comprise

Variable Rate Mortgage

The rate of interest can alter during the pay-off duration for variable interest rate mortgage loans based on the market terms. Borrowers can end up accessing an appealing deal or making the payment of a high rate of return based on the case. In case you choose this sort of loan, ensure you hold the financial liquidity to manage any rise in payments.

Discounted Rate Mortgage

In certain terms, obtaining a discounted-rate mortgage loan in Dubai can be the finest choice among the distinct types of mortgage loans here. Discounted rate is usually applied for 2 to 5 years duration. After that duration, your payment would be based on the base variable rate of a lender.

Capped Mortgage

Mortgage loans in this emirate even comprise capped mortgage loans where the borrower has a few edges. You will pay at a variable rate, but a maximum cap is specified before the loan term initiates. Usually, the capped duration can be for a limited duration. The rate of interest can increase based on the market terms.

Offset Mortgage

An offset mortgage loan in Dubai comprises connecting a conventional mortgage loan with one or more than one deposit account. Borrowers can connect their savings, credit, current, and loan account in an offset mortgage, and the more fund they hold in their account, the lesser they need to spend the interest.


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